Friday, January 14, 2011

Now Playing: The Green Hornet (2011)

Today's post is a little late, and I fully blame 3D for it. The Green Hornet is widely being shown in 3D, but since it's up-converted, I had no interest in seeing it that way. Therefore I had no choice but to go to the one theater that was showing it in 2D. Yeah, only one theater had it in 2D, and only at a fairly late time. Oh well, better late than never. I wasn't sure what to expect from this movie. The trailers didn't exactly sell me on it, but my friend's wanted to see it. Who am I to say no to a night out with the guys? My thoughts on the movie are on the other side of the jump.

The trailer for this movie features its comedy quite a bit. The problem is that after seeing it several times, those jokes start to fall flat. I was more than a little concerned I wouldn't like it. What if that's all the funniest jokes? Turns out they're not. Not by a long shot! I thought this movie was absolutely hilarious! Seth Rogen does a great job as The Green Hornet and is constantly and unwittingly knocking himself down with his jokes. The dynamic between Kato and the Hornet is also a pleasant surprise. Speaking of Kato, Jay Chou who plays his is fantastic. His stone cold attitude plays well against Rogen's goofy nature.

Now this movie isn't just a really funny comedy, it's also a great action movie! Kato flips around like crazy and simply put, kicks ass! The Hornet does OK and always manages to get the final blow in. That leaves us with the car. Oh my God, the car. The Black Beauty. This is one of the coolest cars I've seen in a movie in a long time, and I think it might even top the Batmobile! This car as it all! Guns, guns, and more guns. Throw in a record player and I'm all in.

Cars, guns & butt kicking!
Possibly my only complaint, and this is really more of a nitpick than a complaint, is the very strange effect they have happen whenever Kato is fighting. It's supposed to show how he notices everything and how he can move so fast and get all the bad guys. But to me all I could think of was Mirror's Edge. Anyone who has played that game will know how it highlights the fighting, but for those who haven't, I'll just leave it by saying the effect just looked very video-gamey and in my opinion, a little out of place.

I really ended up enjoying The Green Hornet, far more than I thought I would. Genuinely funny, lots of great fight scenes, cool guns, great chase sequences and fun characters all add up to a good night out at the movies. I hope to see more of Jay Chou because he's a really good fresh new face. I say check it out if you have any interest in these kinds of movies.


  1. I was very nervous about this movie. Showing them singing Gangsta's Paradise in the trailer had me thinking it would probably be stupid. I am glad that it sounds like a good movie after all.

  2. From what everyone seems to be saying i think its worth a view but i have no way to see it as its only playing in 3D around here. I will not watch this in 3D ever.

    I saw the slow day fight stuff in the previews and that was one thing i thought looked pretty bad. But sounds like it was fun and thats all that matters.

  3. Yeah, there was almost nothing in Green Hornet that looked like it required 3D. In Despicable Me and even after recently seeing Avatar in 2D, you can tell when a scene would benefit from 3D, but I saw almost nothing that would need it in Green Hornet.

    Final comment, this movie was just so FUN!


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