Thursday, February 17, 2011

Force Fed Films: Kiss Kiss Bang Bang

Jim made me watch "Kiss Kiss Bang Bang" staring the dreamy Robert Downing Jr, Val Kilmer and the jaw dropping Michelle Monaghan. This movie was quite the surprise, I really haven't heard of this movie before but I wasn't going to let it go. It had Downing, and I think he is amazing! So far Jim has given me a lot of good movies to watch and I was not scared at all to see how amazing this movie was. Was I disappointed? Find out after the jump.

Hell no, this movie was amazing! The most disappointing part of this movie is that I didn't see it before. There were very few parts of this movie I was not laughing or gasping. It was full of black humor and disturbing but thrilling scenes. I thought the combination of Kilmer and Downing Jr was amazing. And the scenes with all the naked women was always a good touch, random but not bad. Downing Jr also narrates this movie and he breaks the fourth wall a few times, making the story a bit more personal and it really adds to the movie in such a big way.

Harmony and Harry

The story is quite simple[/sarcasm]; Harry (Downing Jr) is a petty thief and finds himself running from the cops where he lands himself in an audition. He strikes interest in the directors eyes and is sent from the east coast to L.A. with the big boys. We join with Harry at a party hosted by a millionaire, Dexter. He meets his old best friend Harmony Faith Lee (Monaghan), who Larry has a crush on but she has obviously friendzoned him. After the party, Perry (Kilmer) and Larry go for a drive where Perry needs to follow Dexter. The two find themselves in the middle of a murder and are caught by the bad guys. And all hell breaks loose, the three are all intertwined in this murder and they start to solve this 'case'. Oh man this story is damn long and confusing, but it was a good confusing. Kind of like Burn After Reading, now that I think about it. This movie is a lot like Burn After Reading.

Now I say that because there is a lot of, WTF moments. People are dieing left, right and center. There are naked broads through this movie and a lot of black humor. Even beautiful actors, at least this had an attractive female. My favourite scenes are with Harry and Perry, they are just amazing together, one is a sensitive and naive man. The other is a hard nose private eye and an open homosexual with a whole lot of sarcasm. I just loved the characters in this movie.

Lastly, there isn't much I can say about this movie. It was funny and so awesome to watch, I was on the edge of my seat with all the weird scenes and surprises but also needed to change my pants every 10 minutes because I was pissing from laughing so hard. I would totally recommend this movie to anyone that likes to laugh and especially if you like the movie Burn After Reading, you will definitely enjoy this movie.

I couldn't find this movie on Netflix Canada, so you might want to rent from your local video renting shop thing. (Are those still in business?)

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