The story follows Benjamin Barker (Johnny Depp) after he loses his family after being exiled from London on false charges. A judge envied him and wanted his wife, so he had Benjamin taken out of the picture. Fifteen years later, then man returns to find that everything he knew is gone; all taken from him by the same judge, Judge Turpin (Alan Rickman). He denouces his name and gives himself the new name of Sweeney Todd. He vows revenge on the judge, but when things don't go so easily, his murderous needs start to get out of control. Luckily, the woman who runs the meat pie shop below his barbershop, has a huge crush on him, and she knows exactly how to get rid of those pesky bodies.
Sweeney Todd is ready for action! Let the ruby flow! |
For me the movie was pretty much saved once Helena Bonham Carter got on screen. I'm not sure what it is about her, but she has a presence that just grips me and won't let go. She plays the meat pie woman Mrs. Lovett. It wasn't just her though, because it was shortly after her appearance that a larger portion of talking happened which was a huge relief.
There's just something about Helena Bonham Carter that always captivates me |
Speaking of the songs and music, my favorite part of the whole movie was when the Mrs. Lovett character starts dreaming and fantasizing about what her future life could be like with Sweeney Todd. She also keeps calling him "Mr. T" which is funny. Anyways, she keep singing about them living by the sea and on the beach. During the movie and in her fantasy, Sweeney Todd just keeps sitting there with his far off gaze as he obsesses with killing the judge. She tries her best to take his mind off of it, but even in her fantasy he's still just out of it, and I found it really funny. It's also probably the most colourful portion of the movie which was a nice change.
I love how he looks completely uninterested in being there |
By the end of the movie I was enjoying it quite a bit more than I was at the start. The singing had calmed down, there had been a few better songs in my opinion, and the murderous action had definitely picked up. It's just such a twisted and interesting looking movie, that I couldn't help be entertained by that at least. The acting was good, unless you don't like them breaking into song all the time. If you don't mind a lot of blood and murders in your movies, this will probably be a good one for you if you can get past the weird musical aspect of it.
I think it is always a hard task to find your self enjoying a musical if you are not the biggest fan of well... Musicals. Im glad you ended up enjoying it more so tho.
ReplyDeleteI think Helena had a standout role in this film, It is one of her best as of late(even 4 years ago) Plus the over all cast i found pretty enjoyable in this film.
Add in the violence you brought up at the end and I also love musicals it ended up being a great movie in my eyes.
But this is not a film for everyone, Violence, Music, Dark, Olden Times, Depp....So on.