Saturday, December 17, 2011

Now Playing: "Sherlock Holmes: A Game of Shadows"

When "Sherlock Holmes" came out two years ago, I was extremely excited to see Arthur Doyles creation come to life. Although it did have it's flaw and I really didn't think think that the Holmes I saw on screen is who I pictured him as reading him in the books. The movie itself was pleasant with the mystery and of course the solution. I was ever so much more excited when I heard the news of the second movie, though faintly feeling a bit unsure if the movie would hold up to the first. Nonetheless, off I was to the theatre to see Downey Jr. cross dress and Law posses a mustache in "Sherlock Holmes: A Game of Shadows".

After cunningly defeating Lord Blackwood in his games last movie, Sherlock Holmes (Robert Downey Jr.) has yet again got himself in the midst of a mystery. This time his web of conspiracies has narrowed down to one man, his nemesis Professor Moriarty. Somehow Moriarty has his hands in numerous of bombings in England, France and Germany, killing tons of people and putting the western world in a state of instability. Holmes, Dr. Watson and help from some gypsies will need to get to the bottom of this before Moriarty has his way.

The two are back, and now in Steam punk form.
A lot of the first movie is carried onto this one. We have the great chemistry between Holmes and Watson, the slow down-speed up fight sequences and the calculated logic that goes through Holmes' mind. This is a nice thing, the flow of the first movie continues here. But this brings up a problem, I might have been already tired of that movie before seeing the second. By the end of it, I was real tired of the movie. I honestly thought it was 30 minutes too long. I started to nod off in the middle wondering how much more. Not really a good feeling when you paid ten bucks to be entertained.

The first 20 minutes felt good, a great introduction and fight scene. But than the meat of the movie came along and I felt like it was just wondering along but not getting anywhere. The boredom came because the movie never seemed to lead into a climax. When Holmes starts to find clues, there is no build on that. It really felt that the screenwriter had a bunch of ideas and no one had the guts to tell him no and to edit some of the parts out. The build up is all at the last 10 minutes with the conclusion. This was the best part of the movie, the ramp up to the climax and everything coming to a close.

Jared Harris plays a mean Moriarty .
That said, the seemingly never ending scenes weren't all that bad. Especially the action, it was like how it was the first movie. Holmes plans out his attack in his brain in slow-mo and than puts that into action with quick cuts. They do add a twist to it which I won't reveal. But the slow-mo action sequences did get a bit old and tacky by the end of the movie. Everything looks better with high speed cameras, but when it is just a scene of Downey Jr.'s face close up, it does get boring.

The more I think about this movie, the more mad I get. The well executed scenes are easily forgotten and feeling of unending scenes lives on in my mind. I hate to say it, I might have not exactly enjoyed it as it lingers in my brain. It's nice that the movie kept the feeling between the two movies consistent, but it can get old real quick. I wouldn't go as far as saying this is another Hangover 2 scenario but save your money.

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