I think I am going to get witch hunted for staying this but; my overall impression of this movie was so-so, now before we all located where I live to gouge my eyes out, here is what I have to say about why I didn't like this movie. To start off, it is too damn long and I've grew up watching Bollywood movies with my folks, 2 and a half hour movies aren't considered to be long in my mind, but this movie is so god damn boring and had so many scenes where it felt they could of sped it up a bit more. I get that this movie wants to show of the artistic side of the film industry and show of some of the epic-ness of space, but to show a 5 minute clip of a pod leaving the station and going to a broken part of the ship is completely unnecessary. Especially if that clip could of easily have been shorten to 30 seconds.
"Can't let you do that, Dave"
Another part of the movie I thought fell short of my expectation was the story. It started off real, slow and pointless, but the story developed into a real interesting story and where I was hooked. Too bad the ending was so bad and the story just fell right through and I felt used, like a tissue. Expect if I was a tissue I would of been in the trash early in this movie, saving me from this epic boredom. I did find that I was even bored at parts of this movie and wondering, why do you readers hate me so much that I need to suffer through this. I rather watch grass grow than see this movie again.
But as much as I hated parts of this movie, there were parts I liked. For example, the music was real fitting. The orchestral music made the movie felt epic and I was really immersed into the film. Too bad, this was only good for the first few times it did this. And every other time, they had the band playing to a lovely piece, only to show humans walking and conversing. And I also really loved their play with gravity and how there can be different directions that gravity can be acting upon at different places in the ship. Really tripped me out during a few scenes, which raised the questions. Why did they need ladders? If they could freely control the direction of gravity's force, why didn't they just make those ladder hallways, gravity-less?
Overall this movie was kind of a disappointment. I have heard great things from this movie, and might have been expected more action. But lacked the ability to keep my attention through the movie. The soundtrack and story were favorable but the application of the story, pacing and just overall impression wasn't so great. So if you are looking for an epic sci-fi movie, this isn't what you are looking for. But if you want to watch something that is full of eye candy, might want to check this out. Thank you.
Okay I can make a Sci-fi recommendation that will make up for this. It's called "Moon". It's a fairly recent film but the acting in it is phenomenal. It's basically just Sam Rockwell and Kevin Spacey, and that's all you need.