Thursday, March 17, 2011

Attack of the ... Cloverfield?

I'll be honest with you all, I never had any intention to see “Cloverfield”. Since it was released, it was of no interest to me. I have heard from many of my friends telling me to see this movie when it did come out, but I have this strong hatred for shaky cam and that was the biggest turn off for me. Jim was rather surprised that I haven’t seen this movie so he selflessly forced me to watch it and I did. I was pleasantly surprised that J.J Abrams produced this movie. Read what I thought about the movie after the jump.

I will start off by saying that the shaking cam was not too bad. I was definitely expecting worse than what I saw, so I was glad to see I knew what was going on throughout the movie. I also really did not like Hud, the camera guy. He was really annoying and I wished he hadn’t have talked so much; he was getting on my nerves. And lastly, why the hell did they risk everything to go back for Beth, I get it that Rob is desperately in love with Beth. But it sounded like she was going to die on the phone and they just went on a whim to save this Beth. Though that was a stupid reason, but hey I only have stupid complaints ‘cause there isn’t much to complain about in this movie.

Not sure what kind of picture I should post, so look at this of what appears to be some kind of MONSTERRRRRRR.

I generally liked this movie, but what I really liked the most was the monster. It was cool that you never really got a good shot of the monster until the end. It keeps the mood very suspenseful and makes it really feel like a thriller. I also loved the mini insect monsters; they reminded me of a “28 Days Later” zombie. Also, I found the few scenes of ‘left-over’ footage of Rob and Beth on dates interrupting in between what was going on was neat. Though I thought they said this movie was filmed on an SD card, so I don’t think that is really possible. But again I am not complaining just saying. Lastly, I loved the one scene when they are running through a hotel lobby and there is classy elevator music playing through the background, I found that real funny.

What I did not care for was the characters. I felt no connection between them, except hatred for Hud. I really did not care if they got killed here or there, even though I felt that I probably should care for the characters. Luckily, the monsters looked amazing. I really liked, from what I saw, how the monster looked. I was expecting a Godzilla, but nothing like that. It was weird though that at the end of the movie, I felt there were still questions that weren’t answered, but it was more an aching feel for more. I really want to see more of the movie, I wished it was longer for sure.

Overall, I think this movie puts you on a fun ride of survival. I really like survival movies and this was a good one. I’m glad I liked it and that the shaky camera work did not annoy me too much. I wish I liked the characters more, but we can’t win them all. So if you like monster movies, go see this.

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