Sunday, December 18, 2011

Now Playing: Sherlock Holmes: A Game of Shadows (2011)

While I hadn't really intended on seeing Sherlock Holmes: A Game of Shadows, it seems that was always my fate. After hearing so many... less than great reports about Sherlock, I had pretty much put it out of my mind. Unsure on what movie I would see today while hanging out with a friend, we were contacted by other friends that were going to go see it, and asked if we would all like to meet up. Since I had no other decent options in mind, and not one to turn down friends, I decided to give it a fair shot. You've already heard Puneet's thoughts, but how did I feel about it? Find out on the other side of the break.

What is there to even say about this film's story. Obviously it's about Sherlock Holmes and Dr. Watson, once again reprised by Tony Stark Robert Downey Jr., and Jude Law. Finally in the picture, clear as day, is Professor James Moriarty (Jared Harris), and it's a battle of the minds between Holmes and the Professor in a deadly game of chess around Europe. New to the cast is Noomi Rapace as a gypsy fortune teller who is key to Moriarty's plot, and we finally get to see Sherlock's older brother Mycroft Holmes, portrayed by Stephen Fry. Can Sherlock stay ahead of the game, or will he lose all his pieces just trying to keep up with Professor Moriarty?

Sherlock, Madam Heron, and Dr. Watson are on the case!
I think the best part of this film was all the action. Some of the best parts of the first Sherlock movie starring Downey were all the cool, hard-hitting, slow-motion action scenes and fights. I remember feeling there just weren't enough of them though. This film must have heard those complaints, because we get far more of them this time around, and even a few more of the "deluxe versions" where Sherlock Holmes also narrates what's going on as he sees everything that is, or will happen around him. The only problem I had was a scene about midway thought the movie where I guess I was supposed to be worried for Sherlock's safety, but I remember thinking to myself, "Come on guys, it's Sherlock F***ing Holmes, you aren't going to kill him half-way through your movie. Who do you think you're fooling?" But besides that one scene, I was generally pleasantly amused with all that was going on.

Hanging out with Sherlock can get you looking a little worse for wear
The next thing I liked about the movie was the actors and the characters. Although this area wasn't without its problems for me. First of all, I thought Robert Downey Jr. and Jude Law were great and they did it again with these characters. Sherlock is still just as crazy, and Watson is still just as good with a gun. I also really liked Noomi Rapace. You may know her from the original Swedish version of The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo in which she starred as Lisbeth Salander (and kicked the absolute crap out of that role may I add). Quick little shout-outs to Jared Harris for a very good Moriarty, and also to Kelly Reilly who was the very cute and charming Mrs. Watson, seen above.

On the disappointing side, I didn't really like how they dealt with Rachel McAdams' character from the first film, and also I thought they did a disservice to the Mycroft Holmes character. In this movie Mycroft comes across as a rich, snobby, and silly version of Sherlock who works for the government, and honestly, doesn't come across as smart as Sherlock. In reality, the older brother is supposed to be vastly superior to Sherlock, so much so that he pretty much runs the country single handed. It's only because he deals with tasks of so much more importance that he has no time to deal with tiny petty things like the murders and mysteries that Sherlock entertains himself with. Mycroft is what Sherlock could be if he truly applied himself, and wasn't nearly insane and addicted to cocaine all the time.

There are plenty of face-offs and battles of words and wits between Moriarty and Holmes
Overall, I can say I did enjoy the movie much more than the issues I had with it. Was it better than the first film? I don't think so. This one seems to be trying to do a lot of same thing that made the first film so unique. Remember how that dog got knocked out? Check. Remember how Sherlock slow-mo fought a dude? Check. Remember how Sherlock dressed up all crazy? Check. But honestly, is doing more of what was good in the first, really a bad thing? It wasn't an exact beat for beat copy, that's for sure. But it's true that you'll get more of what you liked about the first film in this sequel. The only problem with that, it's not fresh and unique anymore. I guess I had my expectations lowered a bit coming into this movie, but I enjoyed it for what it was, and if I can say one more thing, I thought the ending was great!

Is this a movie you must see on the big screen? Maybe not. But do I think it was horrible and you should never bother? No way. I liked it, and had fun. But, if you want to save some cash this holiday season, I'm sure this will be just fine later once it's a rental.

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