Saturday, February 5, 2011

In it for the Money: Exit Through the Gift Shop (2010)

I've heard a lot of talk about Exit Through the Gift Shop, and it has a lot of hype surrounding it. At the same time, everything I've heard about it keeps quite vague and doesn't say much about the messages the documentary covers. I knew it was about street art, I knew Banksy was involved. I knew there was some kind of twist part way through the film. Well, maybe not so much of a twist, as a turn in focus. One thing I knew for sure though, was that I wanted to see this movie. So hit the jump to see what I think of it as I tread carefully around spoilers.

Spoilers for a documentary aren't normally common. It's certainly true for movies such as Dear Zachery, in which it's best going into that movie having heard NOTHING about the subject matter. That's why I made Puneet watch that movie with no knowledge going in, and I advise the same of everyone else. WATCH DEAR ZACHERY. But I'm not supposed to be talking about that movie. I'm supposed to be talking about this one.

Well, I'm not exactly sure if spoilers are really necessary for Exit Through the Gift Shop. I suppose it's always better not knowing exactly where you're going. The change of focus in the movie is quite smooth and it's only really once you're fully into it that you see it. It has a good point, and a good message. But basically I can say that it's like a documentary of a documentary. The original goal was to make a film about street art and the artists, but Banksy himself has taken that and made it focus more on the man who was originally behind the camera. About his life, about his habits of always filming, and about his growing obsession with the street artists he started filming.

Banksy remains unseen through the whole film. Banksy rocks!
What I found most interesting about the documentary, though, wasn't about the final message it sends, but seeing the behind the scenes lives of the street artists that take up the majority of the first 1/2 to 3/4 of the film. Watching them sneak and climb around on buildings, painting and installing their works under the cover of darkness. I didn't know much about this world, and I found it truly fascinating.

If you like documentaries, this is definitely a good one. If you like art as well, then this is probably a must see for you. I'm glad I saw it and I would recommend it to my friends.

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