Sunday, March 20, 2011

Dragons Don't Always Make for a Good Movie

I've always had a small part of me that wanted to see this movie, but I also always knew it wouldn't be a good movie. Today I was hanging out at a friend's place, and this friend is OBSESSED with dragons. Surprise surprise, I found Dragon Wars: D-War (2007) on his movie shelf. If I was ever going to see this movie, what better time to watch it than with my dragon-loving friend? So we know this movie will be bad, but just how bad will it be? Hit the jump to see if it has any redeeming qualities at all.

D-War has one of the worst stories I've ever watched. Not only in the script, but also in the execution. Flashbacks within flashbacks and plot elements that are never explained why they're happening. Unless I just zoned out and didn't hear a random government suit say some random line suddenly out of nowhere. Which I guess is entirely possible, that's pretty much how the movie plays out. Actually, ignoring everything all the characters say might actually make this movie better. Food for thought.
The effects look like they're from a videogame
I'm at a loss of what to complain about next, the characters, editing, pacing, the story logic, the plotholes... you name it, it's probably screwed up. The movie starts off with a crater in the middle of the city that is never explain other than being "the accident". Actually, I've had enough of this... the following will just be a complete exposure of the end of the movie. I'd put a more obvious "spoilers" tag, but I'm hoping I'm saving you from watching this movie all together.

The main character gets in a car accident with the girl he's trying to save from the giant snake (it's trying to eat her because she has magic in her since she is a reincarnation of a Chinese girl from 500 years ago, even though she's American) and when he wakes up he's in some barren wastelands in what could be another dimension for all I know.

After the "good" snake suddenly shows up and fights the bad one at the last minute, the girl decides to sacrifice herself to the snake anyways, and all of a sudden she can summon the magic in her into a ball and control where it flies and she makes it go into the mouth of the "good" snake. It turns into a Chinese dragon and fights the evil snake, then everyone dies or disappears and the hero is left in the middle of nowhere, I guess to die of dehydration.

Roll credits.

I hope I've saved you some time with this movie. I'd mention how there are dragon vs. helicopter fights in this, but Avatar already did that WAAAAY better than this could ever hope. I could say this is the worst movie I've seen, but I still had more fun with it than some others I've seen, but mainly mocking how stupid it was with my friend. I guess it's good for something after all. Nevertheless, avoid this movie entirely.

1 comment:

  1. This movie will always be on my list as one of the worst films i ever watched....


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