Saturday, May 28, 2011

Ocean's Twelve (2004)

I had a tough choice today, trying to decide if I should see a movie right away, or wait to see if my friends would show up in time for us to go see one of the many big titles in the theaters. Knowing my friends, I decided not to take a chance and I'd watch a movie at home. And the movie I chose was Ocean's Twelve. I'd seen Ocean's Eleven years ago and I loved it. Since I know they made an Ocean's Thirteen I figure this should be pretty good, and not just a cash grab off the success of the first film, right? Right? Hit the jump to find out what I think after seeing it.

I'm not going to go much into the story other than to say that the repercussions of the first film ripple into this film, which I really liked. Obviously the main plot of the film is that they try to accomplish some impossible heist. It's just like the first, that's why these movies exist after all, so no surprise there. One slight switch up is that this time there's a bit of a competition with a rival thief!

I did have one huge problem with this movie, and it stems completely from having seen Ocean's Eleven. If you haven't seen Ocean's Eleven, I'll have to stop you from reading this right now. Go watch it, because I'm sorta going to spoil the ending. Not wtih specific details, but probably spoiled none-the-less. Actually, I'm going to kinda spoil this one too, but it can't be helped. You have been warned!

How about a (not so) friendly competition?
For those of you who have seen Ocean's Eleven, think about the ending. There are certain things, events and situations that are revealed at the end which kinda make you go "oooh, aahhh! That's cool!" Well because of the nature of the first film with the way it ended, I kinda expected something like that to happen the whole time while I watched Ocean's Twelve. This meant that element of discovery and surprise wasn't really there. While it wasn't quite the same, it still had this "moment of clarity" where you find out what's really been going on. You know what the biggest problem with this is? And will undoubtedly be an issue for me with Ocean's Thirteen as well? The feeling that it seems like nothing up until that point actually matters since there's a whole story going on, that you don't even get clues to, and which almost totally negates what you're witnessing.

The only thing making up for that feeling is the fact that the cast is ram-jam packed with stars and great characters for them to play. Another element that I found interesting, and I really don't remember if, or how much this was in Ocean's Eleven, was that there were a number of celebrities playing themselves in the film! Bruce Willis and Topher Grace have cameos, and even Julia Roberts, as Tess, has the unique role of trying to be Tess, impersonating Julia Roberts! There's no way I can go through the whole cast, but every character from Ocean's Eleven is back, even Andy Garcia as Terry Benedict, the "villain" of Ocean's Eleven. Superb cast and all around excellent on that front.

The whole cast is back, including 3 of the best leading male actors around!
Ultimately, while I didn't think the story and heist were as good as Ocean's Eleven, I still enjoyed it. That feeling that nothing I was seeing really mattered did bother me for the whole film. In the first movie you had no idea what could happen, but the idea that maybe you just don't know the whole picture kept taking me out of the movie which got in the way of my enjoyment. Still, it is pretty great to see such a talented cast all working together, and it was really cool to revisit this team of ultra thieves once again. So tell me, anyone out there see Ocean's Twelve and Thirteen? What did you think? And maybe most importantly, should I bother with Thirteen?


  1. Honestly I think i need to go back and watch this film again, As I have not seen it since the time it was released. Then again I would also have to watch the third again.

    Reason being as I very much Disliked this movie when I had seen it, more so for the reasons you have listed but I didnt really have the saving grace that was the cast, I felt it didnt work as well this time around and I was just annoyed for somereason.

    I do remember liking the third a bit more than 2 but nothing beats the first remake for me.

    But overall this wasnt a bad film just not in the same league as the first film as it lacked in every aspect compared to the first. I didnt enjoy the heist or any of the plan/layout that they tried to do

    Some what random but I think you should check out Be Cool. Its another movie with a crazy cast in which I think was done very well with all the star power.

  2. I feel like I'm about to be the odd one out here. I actually love all of them. And I tell you what, 13 is worth seeing just because if you liked the way they shook up the cast in 12 - pitting villain against villain - you'll get even more of that in the next one. I also think that a big part of the pull in all of them is the script. In that sense, part of the intrigue is how Danny and Rusty seem to have their own language and even know each others' thoughts sometimes. So while it can be frustrating not knowing exactly what's going on or what they mean all the time, it's reassuring to know that that's intentional. :)

  3. It is sad to say, but 12 was the worst of the bunch. I think they lost the overall concept and feel of 11. But you should totally see 13, it feels a lot like 11, and you get so many plot twists that it makes a M. Nyght movie feel linear.

  4. I enjoyed 12 but I do agree that it didn't have the same feel as 11 or 13. I think that comes from the script which wasn't originally intended to be an "Ocean's Movie". It was given the treatment later to become one when it was decided Ocean's 11 would get a sequel. (IMDB ftw!)

  5. I'm sharing the same sentiments as everyone else for the most part. 12 is easily the weakest of the 3.

    I think the main reason for it is because it isn't as focused. In 12 there are several heists while in 11 and 13 there is one major heist. It's much easier to build anticipation with the audience when there's one major goal in mind.

    And where's the love of Casey Affleck? Love that guy!

  6. I really didn't think much of Casey Affleck in this movie, he was really forgettable to me. I didn't even remember him from Eleven. However, he had a much stronger and very funny role in Thirteen and I was *this* close to bringing him up in that review. But I wanted to cover the villains and the improvement of all the characters overall, and I felt it would make it more crowded that it already was.


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