I got to see another documentary today, now that I know this is a bit touchy but I will try my hardest not to get too biased in my entry. “Flock of Dodos” focuses on the debate that surrounds the American school systems, should Intelligent Design be taught in school. Now even though I am an avid believer in Evolution and Darwinism, I see and understand some of the points that are advocated for the opposing side. But this is only the introduction paragraph, so click more to see what I thought in more detailed.
The documentary was led by Dr. Randy Olson, who by most standards fits the typical mould of an average American. But he is shocked that there are people that don’t take evolution seriously, and that 1/3 of Americans find evolution to be an idea of some kind and not a serious theory. Dr. Olson goes on to saying how he was raised up believing evolution was common knowledge, just like how the Earth rotates the Sun. He goes further into the war in the school boards, more particularly in the state of Kansas, whether or not Intelligent Design should be taught in school.
This particular documentary is different in the sense that it tries to be comical, throwing in weird animated dodo’s and jokes here and there. He goes on making satire comedy on behalf of both sides, I found most of the jokes amusing but not hilarious. I do really like how he took both sides fairly, interviewing a lot of professionals, doctors and professors on both subject matters. He does come off a bit biased towards the end, but he had a message to pass on, and it is hard to do so and be neutral at the same time.
What I found the most interesting were the discussions around the poker table, a lot of fun ideas were tossed around amongst the scientist on ‘team evolution’. The mood was relaxed, and the ideas were flying from reasonable to farfetched, they had their own theories on why the other sided believed in what they did. Though there was one question that stumped them and it was: if ‘team intelligent design’ were the more charismatic group and got their message out more efficiently, why don’t they do the same?
I really like movies like these, where they ask and try to answer both sides of a debate. I have this curiosity of knowing why someone would believe in something I don’t. It is truly foolish for us to be so close minded, even if we think the others are as equally as closed. This was a great waste of time, I got some entertainment out of it, but I liked it mostly because it answered a few questions I did have. And more importantly, now I know why other people can believe in the wrong argument (because I am always right, hehe).
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