Wednesday, June 1, 2011

When Harry Met Sally... (1989)

Not long ago I heard that there was a sequel in the works for When Harry Met Sally. I wasn't sure how this was possible, I still haven't seen a trailer for it or anything, but I think there is one out there. At any rate, hearing that news is what reminded me of this movie. It's one of those movies that I've heard the title so many times, and I just know it's a classic rom-com. With movies like this though, there are a lot of factors that can affect how well it's received. Is there too much romance? Is there not enough? How is the comedy? How well has it aged? Hit the jump to find out.

The story spans many years and takes place in chunks. You see, when Harry first met Sally, they just didn't get along. But over the course of their lives, they keep bumping into each other. Over the years, as they themselves grow and mature as people, so does the nature of their relationship. All the way from collage students who can barely stand one another, to friendship, and eventually full on romance. It really runs the gauntlet of relationships too with not only what Harry and Sally go through, but also their friends and other people in the movie.

This was a great movie! Billy Crystal and Meg Ryan have great chemistry together both in comedic timing, but also romantically. Also, Meg Ryan is gorgeous! I'll be honest with you, I'm having a hard time nailing down exactly what it was about this movie that made it so enjoyable, beyond the fact that Billy Crystal and Meg Ryan are both great on screen.

Good God she's beautiful!
Considering the age of the film, I was totally surprised that this movie almost hasn't aged at all! There are no clunky goofy cordless phones, or wacky 80's haircuts. This movie could easily have come out today, and there's really not much I wouldn't believe. Possibly the only scene that might not fly, would be a scene I totally didn't realize was from this movie. That would be the incident where Sally fakes an orgasm right there in the middle of a busy deli.

In the end, it's the great and obvious character growth that kept me fully engaged in the movie. There's not too much romance to drive me off, and when it's there, it doesn't seem like that overly mushy stuff. The comedy didn't have me rolling on the ground, but I thought it was really clever and it got plenty of great big smiles and grins out of me. There's not much else to say, pretty much everything in this film works, and works well. Check it out if you haven't. At least you'll be ready for When Harry Met Sally 2.

1 comment:

  1. I thought everyone knew that the fake orgasm scene originated in this movie.

    That's the only thing I knew about this movie anyways.


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