Sunday, July 31, 2011

Terminator 2: Judgement Day (1991)

Last movie of this glorious month, and I’ll be honest with you. I am kind of glad this is over; I’ve been meaning to see other types of movies. Action movies are good and all, but sometimes it can be mind-numbing. With that in mind, I am glad I am ending off with a bang, and a big bang it is. Saying “Terminator 2: Judgement Day” is a good movie is quite the understatement. I don’t know anyone that actually dislikes Judgement Day, and it is widely accepted as the best movie of the franchise. So it was only fitting to watch this movie last.

This movie continues the story after the first movie, but with similar story lines. Two terminators are sent back to 1991, T1000 is sent to kill John Connor whereas the T100 that was sent in the last movie to kill Sarah is sent to protect John. Why is John so important you may ask? Because in the year 2029, he leads the resistance force to destroy the machines that have ruled over Earth.

The formula of the first movie is very much carried over to the second movie, no complaints of course. The action is very gun-oriented and the gratuitous amounts of firepower being shot really gets my testosterone pumping. I still find the story to be very thriller like, always has me excited for the next scene. And of course, Arnold does a great job being the Terminator. But Robert Patrick does do a very stellar job as the T1000, but you just can’t compete with Arnold at all.

The awesome fighting team, saving the world from total annihilation.

I think the biggest improvement in the second one compared to the first movie is the Terminator. Before he was just a killing machine, but now that he is actually on the Conner’s side he builds this connection with John. Kind of like a dog, he is there to protect him, but there is this underlying friendship that is nice to see. Especially the scene when John is trying to teach him slang such as “Chill out” and of course “Hasta la vista, Baby”. And because of this, there is this slight bit of humour between the two that really brightens up this combat filled movie.

Another great change in this movie is Sarah Conner; she goes from this timid young adult from the first movie to know a strong, violent woman. It’s a big change, and you first see it from the starting when she is doing pull ups in the mental institution. This kind of reminds me of Ripley from the Aliens franchise, she goes from this fairly shy character to a grand killer. Now the reason I talk a lot about the characters is because almost everything said about the first movie can be said about the second. The biggest addition is the developments of the characters.

But don’t let me forget how awesome the T1000 is. He is made up of mimetic poly-alloy, what is that? Liquid metal. Just imagine trying to defeat something that just acts like liquid mercury around any solid objects. But he is so great, just a fun enemy. He is powerful, scary, intelligence and most importantly has no pity. And I found the scene where he melts just creepy.

I had the similar grin when I saw that scene.

I’ve been talking about Arnold a lot this month, maybe a bit too much for any human. But it has been a fun ride catching up to all those cheesy action films, stumbling across a few good ones along the way. But finishing off with Terminator 2 was awesome; this has been easily my favourite movie this month. Though it is a toss-up between Terminator 2 and Predator for what is my favourite Arnold movie. What are your favourite Arnold movies?

Arnold Rating:
One-liners: Probably the most memorable: “Hasta la vista, baby” to “Give me your clothes, your boots and your motorcycle”.
Action: Easily the best movie for action. It just gets better as the movie goes up and peaks with Arnold and a mini-gun.

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