Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Tron: Legacy (2010)

705e07e8I never actually planned to watch “Tron: Legacy” in the first place. But when I was given the chance to see it in 1080p, I would be a fool not to take that opportunity. Especially knowing that this is a pretty looking movie, and it has Olivia Wilde. But I feared that watching this movie before seeing the original 80’s movie would kind of ruin the franchise for me, but I was reassured that much harm isn’t done by seeing them out of sequence. Anyways, my rather casual look into “Tron: Legacy” after the jump.

The story starts off right after the first movie leaves off. Sam Flynn (Garrett Hedlund), the son of the infamous Kevin Flynn (Jeff Bridges), has wandered into his dad’s old arcade. This is where he discovers his old man’s old lab, and stumbles into the plans of “The Grid”. Letting curiosity take the best of him, he starts to fool around with the computer and transport himself into “The Grid”. This is where he finally meets up with his dad and Quorra (Olivia Wilde) an ISO. The two Flynns need to defeat Kevin’s clone, CLU, to get out of “The Grid” and back into the real world.

Tron legacy
Quorra, Sam and Kevin need a plan to take down CLU.
First thing that strike me was the visual effects. This movie is beautiful, total eye candy. The CGI was amazing, everything looked futuristic and the integration of human to green screen was fantastic. I really regret not seeing this in 3D, because I spotted out numerous of scenes that would of been amazing in 3D.

Second thing is the soundtrack. Just epic, I kind of already knew about the glorious sound track previously. Jim, also a fan of the soundtrack, had played a few songs for me and I thought it was amazing. But I expected only greatness from Daft Punk, who did the whole soundtrack for this movie. What was even more great was how well the songs timed with the scenes in the movie. It had a great flow to the movie.

Wilde was as beautiful as the special effects.
What bugged the hell out of me was Jeff Bridges. It wasn’t so much that his acting was terrible, it was more like he reminded me too much like ‘The Dude’ from “The Big Lebowski”. It was the beard and his mannerisms that just automatically made me think of ‘The Dude’. It wasn’t so bad when CLU was on screen, the lack of beard helped it and CLU was a bit more robotic and less … dude. But I am glad this was my only serious complaint.

Though I hate to say it, but maybe this is because I didn’t see the first movie. But I really never dug the story, it was way to simplistic and rather generic. Boy gets sucked into another world, him and a partner needs to beat a series of tasks to save his love one and return into the real world. It feels like a rinse/wash formula that I've seen way too many times. Also I never really felt immersed in the story, I was way too busy admiring the visual and auditory aspects of this movie.

To sum it all up, this movie was porn for my ears and eyes. It looked amazing and I was mesmerized by the vivid colours and spectacular CGI, and the sound track really got my head bobbing. But sadly the actual movie aspect never gave me the experience I wanted from a sci-fi movie. I am sure fans of the original Tron movie love this movie. But I just think it’s another generic sci-fi with beautiful glitter.

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