Saturday, August 6, 2011

Underworld (2003)

Underworld poster
I had the pleasure of checking out “Underworld” the other day. I have only heard good things from it, but I was surprise to have been told that there were both werewolves and vampires in this. Luckily, this was pre-twilight, so none of the sparkly-girly creatures were in here. But what caught me off guard was the amount of action there was in here, it was full of glorious gunfights and top notch special effects. After the jump, I get down and dirty with all the details.
By far the story is the best part of this movie. It is so involving and captivating, that even I got really into the mythology. So the low down to the story is that Selene (Kate Beckinsale) is a vampire and also a death dealer, in which she kills the Lycans (werewolves). The two mythical creatures have been fighting a war that has lasted a 1000 years. But in midst of the war, Selene discovers something that she wasn’t suppose to. Kraven (Shane Brolly) is making deals with the Lycans behind the vampires back. She needs to get to the bottom of it all to make her decision on who to properly side with.
Kate is absolutely stunning to watch.

I want to state this again, the story was amazing. I really like these stories about mythical creatures. And what makes the story even better is the fact that movie really made it come to life. Both the actors and director really made this story come to life. I was hooked into the story from the beginning.

Like I stated before, I really liked the acting of all the actors. They captured their characters perfectly. I especially liked Lucian (Michael Sheen), he was a damn scary bad guy. I felt this hatred towards him throughout the movie, all the way ‘till the twist.

Talking about the twist, I did not see that coming at all. The movie builds up that there is something funny going on between the Lycans and Vampires, but when the full truth is revealed. It just hit me like a two ton bolder. I love seeing stuff like that in movies and really adds the cherry on the top.

norm-473a740ce817a-Underworld (2003)
Lucian is such a fun enemy to watch.

Let me go back to the action for a minute. The action was awesome, and caught me off guard. I really didn’t think there was going to be so many gun fights. It was cool to see the technology behind their weapons. Vampires using silver bullets, the weakness to Lycans. And the Lycans using ultraviolet emitting bullets, because obviously Vampires hate the sunlight. It was good to see some nitty-gritty action.

I obviously cannot go without talking about the creature design. And it was good, the Lycan’s transformation from their human state to werewolf was neat to watch. It wasn’t too cheesy and pulled off well. The vampires didn’t look too different from humans, they just wore black and red leather with long teeth. Nothing eye popping.

To wrap it all up, I found this movie to be a good one. It was filled with action, a great story and phenomenal acting to back up the story. Especially how this movie caught me off guard with there numerous twists. I was rather confused to see a rather low rating for this movie on metacritic and IMDB. I guess I like ‘meh’ movies.


  1. Oh, don't let those IMDB ratings fool you. I loved this one! So happy to see it got good ratings where it counts. ;)

  2. Kate Beckinsale is so hot!

    Anyways, the other two movies are worth watching as well despite the fact that the third is basically a prequel without Kate (but focuses highly on Lucien so you'll probably enjoy it).

    I've heard rumours that a fourth film is in the works and Kate will be returning. Thought that was pretty good news.


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