Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Final Showdown: "Army of Darkness" (1992)

So I finally got a chance to see "Army of Darkness" to finish off off the "Evil Dead" series. If you couldn't tell by now, I'm a huge lover of the series. It's like the movies were made just for me, I really never had any serious complaints. Many of our readers have told me that AoD was their favourite of the series. I couldn't possibly think of any way the movie can get better. But I do know how much I liked to be proved wrong, hint it's not a lot. After the jump we travel back in time with Ash as he saves the world, yet again.

The movie picks off where "Evil Dead 2" left off. Ash has been sent back into the past and is force to help out the men and women of ye olde times to get back into the present. A lot easier than it sounds. Because along the way to completing his quest, he has to deal with the mysterious evil forces. Now for most 'normal' people these evil forces can just be attributed to ghost and demons. But not here, because there is no perception of 'normal' in this movie. I won't spoil much, but the crazy critter he gets to face off with sort of mirrors the first few movies. I'm sure people who have seen the movie understand exactly what I'm talking about. And if you haven't, it would be a great time to turn around and watch the film.

Am I the only one that finds Skeletons digging a grave a bit ironic?
Saying AoD is a horror film is comparable to matching Kindergarden Cop as being a crime movie. Yes, the main theme might be centralize that theme, but because it has so little to do with actual movie, it barely makes it that specific genre. The only horror elements in the film are the ugly ass witches, even uglier ghouls and an army of skeletons (only second to the ones from Jason and the Argonauts when it comes to awesomeness).

Comedy blankets this movie completley and it wasn't at all tacky. It was my kind of humour: cheesy one liners. From a skeleton saying "I got a bone to pick with you" to Ash muttering the great line Mr. Nukem also loves to say "Hail to the King, baby". And this was the great thing from the movie, Ash isn't he only one saying these great lines. This really makes the movie feel like a 80's action film. But the comedy doesn't stop there, there is tons of slapstick comedy. A bit of Acme branded comedy isn't so bad right? Throw in some cartoony violence, and you got a perfect mix of comedy.

"Ash,  houseware"
Staying on the topic of action, I didn't expect this at all to have much action. But by goly was there some impressive fights that weren't just comedic. They were well choreographed and nicely executed, even better than some 80's action movies (looking at you Segal). The final epic fight scene where the army of darkness (I assume this is where the movie title comes from) and Ash with his trusty chainsaw hand and shotgun square off is amazing and geniuenly thrilling.

Hail to the King, Baby.
And lastly, I really want to point out how much of a badass Ash is. Besides the fact that he is sprouting out one liners left, right and centre while kicking ass, minus the bubble gum. Ash struts around with a chain saw that attaches to his left arm where his hand should be (sawed it off the 2nd movie). His right hand is busy with the shot gun, and his accuracy is better than most men aiming for the toilet. And lastly, he can take a beating better than Chris Brown's life partners. And Ash does this all with the corny 80's style.

So I was totally wrong. The series can get better. While sticking with the same concept of corny action, comedic horror and horrific comedy the entire series is great. What is nice is that the budget of AoD feels adequete enough to make this watchable. I'll admit the previous two are gritty and sort of hard to watch, but all of that is smoothed out perfectly here. I loved this movie, and probably will see it again.

1 comment:

  1. Now you just need to follow @GroovyBruce on Twitter and your training will be complete. Welcome to the Groovy-Side.


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